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Taylor Swift Drops "Gorgeous" from 'reputation'

AT 12 P.M. EST, Taylor Swift dropped the third track of the reputation era, "Gorgeous."

"Gorgeous" sounds like a redux of Blank Space. The songwriting is some of Taylor's laziest of her career. Melodically, the song is middling; the bridge is reminiscent of "Supercut" off of Lorde's Melodrama. The production is strong just like on previous singles "Look What You Made Me Do" and "...Ready For It?"

"Gorgeous" suffers from anecdotal lyrics that attempt to be universal but come off as cringe-worthy, "I guess I'll just stumble home to my cats." The hook is insanely elementary just like on her previous singles. Taylor has delivered objectively incredible pop music before, but something is off with the reputation era.

The one major bright spot of this track comes courtesy of the pre-chorus, the melody is quite beautiful there. My gut tells me that this song will be a grower; it is definitely less polarizing than "Look What You Made Me Do," but weaker in some aspects. I wish the best for Ms. Swift and the rest of the reputation album and era.